
Project Planning

Project Initiation

At early stages of any infrastructure project, public authorities and private developers face technical decisions to choose which projects are suitable for DB or PPP delivery and which procurement process is more appropriate in each case.

Project Assessment

DB and PPP projects are large-scale infrastructure assets. When investing in assets, owners, operators, investors, insurers and developers need to understand and mitigate a variety of technical, legal and socio-environmental risks before committing to lending or investing in an undertaking.

Unsolicited Proposals

Unsolicited proposals generally entail a private sector entity reaching out to the government to propose an infrastructure project without being asked to submit a bid. A well-developed programme to assess and select proposals is essential to elicit sufficient interest from private developers as well as to gain the confidence of governments and, ultimately, the public.




Project Procurement

Proposal Management

Consortia that participate in a DB and PPP project require extensive work to be awarded with the project. The Request for Qualification (RFQ) is often the first formal stage in the Procurement process and is used in multi-stage bidding to select a shortlist of qualified bidders. These shortlisted firms are then invited to submit bids for the project at the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Design Management

Understanding and mitigating technical risks, capturing traffic (revenue) and lowering construction cost by bringing innovative design concepts (Alternative Technical Concepts) during the Procurement process is key to successfully be awarded with the project.

Construction Management

Overseeing the most critical construction activities during the procurement phase including schedule development, quality implementation, risk assessments, costing model development and contract management (i.e., technical provisions) is key to reduce risk and provide cost certainty.




Project Execution

Design Management

Overseeing the Detailed Design of a project produced by several design consultants requires a strong technical background and expertise. Critical activities such as design optimizations or constructability peer reviews can reduce project costs significantly.

Project Management & Construction Management

Delivering an infrastructure project isn’t easy. There are a plethora of parameters that should be taken into account for a project to start and complete on time and on budget. Leading construction activities efficiently is always a priority.

Project Controls

Managing DB and PPP contracts involves monitoring and enforcing the contract requirements; and managing the relationship between the public and private partners. The contract management stage spans the lifetime of the DB or PPP agreement from the effective date of the contract to the end of the contract period.

Safety, Inspection & Quality Assurance

Robust quality management systems and procedures enable both the private and public side to monitor and assess performance and ensure standards are achieved.